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Trading Errors & Troubleshooting

Discover solutions to common trading errors and technical issues encountered while using Cryptohopper, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted trading operations.
Not enough funds for minimum amount
Why do I see the error 'OrderNumber":null'?
Why do I see Invalid API key in my trading bot output?
Why do I see 'http error. HTML returned when expecting JSON'?
Why do I see 'Coin temporarily unavailable at exchange'?
Why do I see 'Invalid / Disabled market error for chart data on URL:'?
Why do I see could not get balances?
Why do I see Unknown Failure Reason?
Why do my orders remain open longer than my max open time buy/sell?
Why do I see 'EGeneral:Invalid arguments:volume' on Kraken?
Why do I see 'Cancelling order for, taking too long'?
Why do I see -1000 Message: An unknown error occured on Binance?
Why doesn't my trading bot sell?
Why aren't orders being placed?
Why do I see error message -1013 PERCENT_PRICE_BY_SIDE on Binance?
Why do I see 'The requested symbol is not whitelisted on Bybit'?
Why do I get the error Symbol not whitelisted for API key on Binance?
Why do I see Invalid IP request on KuCoin?
Why do I see 'Error placing buy order' on BingX?
Why do I see error code 100421 on BingX?
Why do I see error -2015 on Binance?
Why do I see error '51155 Trading of this pair or contract is restricted' on OKX?
Why do I see 'Formatted output is too low' on Binance?
Why do I see error '-1111 Parameter 'quantity' has too much precision' on Binance?
Why do I see 'Account not available' on Coinbase?
Why do I see the error 'POST 400 {"errorCode":212,"error"' on Bitvavo?
Why do I see 'Unknown parameter was sent' on Bybit?
Why do I see the error 'SPOT_COIN_NO_ACCESS' on
Why do I see error 51020 on OKX?
Why are the Total in assets in USD on exchange different on web and app?
Why do I see 'EGeneral:Permission denied' on Kraken?
Why do I see the error "EAPI:Invalid nonce" on Kraken?
Why do I see 'Coin unavailable at HitBTC'?
Why do I see 'code":1002,"message":"Authorization is required or has been failed' on HitBTC?
Why do I see 'Not enough funds to place buy orders'?
Why do I see error '100413 Incorrect apiKey' on BingX?
Why do I see 'Could not find a key matching the given X-BFX-APIKEY' on Bitfinex?
Why do I see error code '309 The signature is invalid' on Bitvavo?
Wy do I see error '-2008 Invalid API-Key ID' in my Binance trading bot?
Why do I see the error 'Unauthorized method' on Coinbase Advanced
Why do I see the error 'The signature is invalid' on Bitvavo?
Why do I see the error 'Preview_Insufficient_funds' on Coinbase?
How do I get rid of dust positions on Binance?
Why do I see 'Error with order through API' when using TradingView?
Why do I see error code '51008 order failed' on OKX
Why do I see 'The buy amount is too low, lower than the minimum for this market'?
Why do I see 'Cannot cancel order because order is not listed in open orders anymore'?
Why do I see error '1003: Action is forbidden for this API Key' on HitBTC?
What are potential issues with using 'Reserve positions' on Cryptohopper
Why do I see 'Authentication failure' on
How to resolve the NOT_ENOUGH_BALANCE Error on ProBit Global?
Why do I see the error "The configured strategy uses indicators only available for Hero subscriptions"?
Why do I see the message: "Individual DCA mode is selected"?
Why do I see error 401 UNAUTHORIZED on ProBit Global?
Why do I see gaps in charts?
Why are rates shown in the iOS or Android app incorrect?
Why do I see the error MARKET_LOT_SIZE on Binance?
Why do I see the error "You do not have an active subscription" while I have an active subscription?
Why do I get the message: Temporarily lockout by Kraken. Stopping bot for 15 minutes?
Why do I get the error: Copy Trading does not currently support this type of trading on Bybit?
Why is the total value of my sell trade lower than my buy trade?
Why is my Trailing Stop-Buy order not executed?
Why is my Take Profit not executed?
Why is my Sell strategy not executed?
Why is my Stop-Loss not executed?
Why is my Trailing Stop-Loss not executed?
Why is my Auto-Close not executed?
Why is my Shorting not executed?
Why is my DCA not executed?