Are you seeing different rates and profit/loss percentages between the iOS/Android app and website? Typically, these values should be similar across all Cryptohopper platforms. Here are common situations you might encounter and their solutions.
Sudden large loss when selling a position
When a position suddenly shows a huge loss in the trade history, it's usually because:
The position was sold with a market order on an illiquid trading pair
Your Exchange settings are set to "Use last tick if higher/lower" or "Always use last tick"
There aren't enough orders in the orderbook, causing large rate differences
Solution: Switch the Ticker rate to "Highest bid/Lowest ask" to ensure you see actual orderbook prices instead of the last tick and consider using Limit orders. You can change this in your 'Base config' under 'Exchange'.
IP blocking issues
If your IP is blocked, you might see outdated or incorrect prices. To troubleshoot:
Switch between Wi-Fi and 4G/5G on your iOS or Android device
Close and reopen the app
Check if rates differ between Cryptohopper's website and app
If issues persist, contact support and provide your IP addresses from both Wi-Fi and mobile data. You can find your IP address at
Poor internet connection
With a poor internet connection, you may experience:
Incorrect rates
"Connecting" message on your Dashboard
Solution: Switch to a different network and try again.
Still experiencing issues after following these steps? Please contact our support team for assistance.