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Why is my DCA not executed?

Learn why your crypto bot's Dollar Cost Averaging isn't executing and how to troubleshoot these 10 common trading automation issues.

Pete Darby avatar
Written by Pete Darby
Updated yesterday

Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) is a powerful strategy that allows traders to automatically purchase additional units of an asset when prices fall, potentially lowering the average entry price of positions. When your DCA fails to execute as expected, it can prevent you from effectively managing underwater positions. This guide explains the most common reasons why your DCA might not be working and provides solutions to address these issues.

Common Reasons

  1. Buying Disabled
    Your bot's 'Buying' is disabled manually on the Dashboard or due to the Triggers you use. Some Marketplace Templates have Triggers configured.

  2. Time Condition Not Met
    Your position hasn't reached your 'DCA after X time open' setting yet that you can configure under the Dollar Cost Averaging settings of your Base config or Config pools.

  3. Maximum Retries Reached
    Your position has reached the 'DCA max retries' and the bot isn't allowed to place another DCA order for your open position.

  4. Percentage Trigger Not Reached
    Your position might not have reached the next 'DCA set percentage trigger'. How the calculations work is explained here when scrolling a bit down.

  5. Target Rate Not Met for Multiple Positions
    When using 'All positions of currency' in your DCA settings of the Base config or Config pools and having multiple open positions open of the same currency, the 'Target rate' of your next DCA hasn't been met yet. You can find this information by clicking on the 'Info' button of an open position and then in the 'DCA' tab.

  6. DCA Blocked for Currency or Position
    You might have blocked DCA for a currency or for a position. You can find this information by clicking on the 'Info' button of an open position and then in the 'DCA' tab.

  7. Config Pool Settings
    You might have configured the currency in a Config pool in which DCA is disabled.

  8. Strategy Signal Required
    When having 'DCA buy immediately' disabled in the DCA settings of your Base config or Config pool, your trading strategy might not have signaled a buy yet.

  9. Signal Configuration Interference
    You're using trading signals from the Marketplace and have enabled "Signal configuration' and/or 'Sell signals'. Please read this article for more information.

  10. Other Trading Errors
    You might have other trading errors, please check your trading bot output on the Dashboard for more information.

Troubleshooting Steps

To resolve DCA execution issues:

  • Verify that buying is enabled in your bot settings

  • Check your DCA time settings and how long positions have been open

  • Review your maximum retries setting and how many DCA orders have already been placed

  • Calculate if your position has reached the percentage trigger for the next DCA

  • For multiple positions of the same currency, check the target rate information

  • Check if DCA is blocked for specific currencies or positions

  • Verify your Config pool settings if you're using them

  • If not using immediate DCA, check if your strategy has generated a buy signal

  • Review any signal configurations that might interfere with your DCA

  • Examine your bot's output log for specific error messages

If you continue to experience issues after checking these common causes, please contact support for further assistance.

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