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Explore the Cryptohopper marketplace to discover a wide array of trading strategies, signals, and indicators created by expert traders.
How can I deploy trading bot templates?
How to download trading bot templates?
How to backtest trading bot templates?
Where can I see which trading bot template is loaded?
Can I clone a trading bot template?
How do I keep the Trigger ID the same when switching between bot templates?
Why are my signals removed when loading a trading bot template?
Can I automatically switch between trading bot templates?
How long will trading bot templates be updated by the Marketplace Seller?
Are trading bot templates refundable?
Can I load a trading bot template from another exchange onto my trading bot?
How do I save a trading bot template?
How do I load a trading bot template with Triggers?
Do you offer sample configurations?
How to use my trading strategy in Cryptohopper?
How much data does the AI use for training?
When does my trading strategy trigger a buy or sell?
Why can't I save 'No strategy selected'?
Why does training trading pairs for my AI trading strategy take so long?
Why do I only see scores for buying in my AI trading strategy?
Should I use the Normal score or Corrected score for the AI trading strategy?
Why don’t I see scores for the signal subscriptions that I added to the AI trading strategy?
Do I have to remove poorly performing sources from my AI trading strategy?
Is a low score bad for an AI trading strategy?
Is it difficult to build an AI trading strategy?
Why do I see my previously configured trading strategy on my Dashboard?
Can I compare the current values of the technical indicators with TradingView?
Can I use different trading strategies for different currencies?
Can I sell based on my trading strategy?
Can I sell trading strategies myself?
What can I do with JSON in the Strategy Designer?
Can I see how trading strategies perform before purchasing them?
Can I download trading strategies from other Cryptohopper users?
How do I create trading strategies myself?
When I train my AI, why don't I see scores for my TradingView Alerts?
Why can't I see the trading strategy values of a Marketplace strategy?
Why do I see 'Signal for different exchange/currency'?
Can I configure different buy amounts for trading signals?
How can I blacklist trading signals?
For how many cryptocurrencies can I receive trading signals?
Why am I not receiving any trading signals?
Why am I no longer subscribed to my trading signals in my trading bot?
Can I contact the Marketplace Seller who provides the trading signals?
Can I determine how much of my funds is used by trading signals?
Can I subscribe to multiple signalers at the same time?
Why have my signaler subscriptions disappeared after loading a bot template?
How to configure trading signals?
What does Signal configuration do?
At which rate get orders placed when using trading signals?
Where to find the performance reports of signalers?
Do signalers send sell signals?
Can I use Trailing Stop-Buy (TSB) with trading signals?