How to use my trading strategy in Cryptohopper?
How much data does the AI use for training?
When does my trading strategy trigger a buy or sell?
Why can't I save 'No strategy selected'?
Why does training trading pairs for my AI trading strategy take so long?
Why do I only see scores for buying in my AI trading strategy?
Should I use the Normal score or Corrected score for the AI trading strategy?
Why don’t I see scores for the signal subscriptions that I added to the AI trading strategy?
Do I have to remove poorly performing sources from my AI trading strategy?
Is a low score bad for an AI trading strategy?
Is it difficult to build an AI trading strategy?
Why do I see my previously configured trading strategy on my Dashboard?
Can I compare the current values of the technical indicators with TradingView?
Can I use different trading strategies for different currencies?
Can I sell based on my trading strategy?
Can I sell trading strategies myself?
What can I do with JSON in the Strategy Designer?
Can I see how trading strategies perform before purchasing them?
Can I download trading strategies from other Cryptohopper users?
How do I create trading strategies myself?
When I train my AI, why don't I see scores for my TradingView Alerts?
Why can't I see the trading strategy values of a Marketplace strategy?