Trading Signals
Pete Darby avatar
1 author16 articles
Why do I see 'Signal for different exchange/currency'?Trading bot message 'Signal for different exchange/currency' indicates mismatch in settings or currencies.
Can I configure different buy amounts for trading signals?Configure buy amounts for trading signals in your bot via Signal configuration settings.
How can I blacklist trading signals?Cryptohopper Hero users can block signals for specific coins by setting a long cooldown in Config pool.
For how many cryptocurrencies can I receive trading signals?Receive varying crypto trading signals based on your Cryptohopper subscription level.
Why am I not receiving any trading signals?Not receiving trading signals? Check your signaler's Performance report and bot settings.
Why am I no longer subscribed to my trading signals in my trading bot?Unsubscribed from a signaler? Reload them in your bot or adjust triggers without extra cost.
Can I contact the Marketplace Seller who provides the trading signals?Contact Cryptohopper signal sellers via email, Discord, or Telegram for support.
Can I determine how much of my funds is used by trading signals?Cryptohopper executes buy orders until set maximum quote currency amount is reached.
Can I subscribe to multiple signalers at the same time?Subscribe to multiple trading signals and pause any signaler as needed in your trading bot.
Why have my signaler subscriptions disappeared after loading a bot template?Learn why signaler subscriptions vanish after loading a bot template in this article.
How to configure trading signals?Configure trading signals and set a selling strategy in Cryptohopper's Marketplace.
What does Signal configuration do?Signal config in trading bots applies Signaler's settings, overriding Base and Config pool.
At which rate get orders placed when using trading signals?Trading bot places orders at current rates or lowest ask based on the signal and settings.
Where to find the performance reports of signalers?Check signaler performance reports in our Marketplace before subscribing to trading signals.
Do signalers send sell signals?Check if signalers send sell signals; set up your own sell settings if not.
Can I use Trailing Stop-Buy (TSB) with trading signals?Trailing Stop-Buy cannot be used with trading signals received from your subscribed signaler.