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How can I unsync a position?

Learn how to unsync and remove individual positions from your Cryptohopper account with this step-by-step guide.

Bryan avatar
Written by Bryan
Updated over a month ago

To unsync a position from your account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your dashboard and click "Open Positions"

    Cryptohopper trading interface navigation tabs showing 'Open Positions', 'Short Positions', and 'Reserved Funds' options, with 'Open Positions' highlighted in blue

  2. Click on the "Info" button next to the position you want to unsyc

    Cryptohopper trade action buttons displaying 'Like', 'Sell', 'Info', and a 'Share' icon, with each button positioned horizontally in a row
  3. Click "Action"

    Cryptohopper position management dropdown menu showing six trading options: 'Sell position', 'Short position', 'Create DCA order', 'Split position', 'Reserve funds', and 'Remove position

  4. Click "Remove position"

  5. Click "Yes, remove position"

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