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How to split a position?

Learn how to split crypto trading positions by percentage with Cryptohopper. Follow our guide to customize your trades optimize yourstrategy

Bryan avatar
Written by Bryan
Updated over 4 months ago

Managing your crypto trades effectively is crucial for maximizing profits and minimizing risks. With Cryptohopper's new "Split Position by Percentage" feature, you can now customize how you divide your positions according to your trading strategy. Whether you want to split a position 50/50 or use a different percentage, our platform makes it easy.

With Cryptohopper you can split positions. You can split your positions 50/50, but you can also split it a different percentage if you prefer.

How to split a position?

1. Access the Position Information:

  • Navigate to your open positions on the Cryptohopper dashboard.

  • Locate the position you wish to split and click on the "Info" button next to it.

Cryptohopper open positions dashboard showing a single BTC position with amount 0.00204653, cost 131.74 EUR, -1.06% result, age 33 hours, with sell, info, and share action buttons visible. Interface includes market orders toggle and bulk actions dropdown

2. Select the Split Option:

  • In the "Info" section, click on the "Action" dropdown menu.

  • From the list of actions, select "Split Position."

Cryptohopper position details modal for BTC position #143024412 showing -1.17% performance, buy rate 64374.72, current value 130.26 USDT, with action dropdown menu displaying options including split position, sell position, short position, and create DCA order

3. Adjust the Percentage:

  • A new screen will appear, allowing you to specify the percentage by which you want to split the position.

  • You can either manually enter the percentage or use the slider to adjust the percentage. The system will automatically calculate and display the corresponding amounts for each split.

Cryptohopper split position configuration dialog showing percentage slider set to 28%, resulting in split amounts of 0.00057303 and 0.00147350, with split position and close buttons at bottom
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